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Chapter News

  • Ophelia Hyde represented UM as a Sigma Rising Star of Research and Scholarship.

    Ophelia Hyde, a nursing student at the University of Miami, represented our school at Sigma's conference "Creating Healthy Work Environments" held from March 8-10 in Washington DC. 

    Ophelia Hyde attended the conference as a SONHS Karen S. Muth Leadership Scholar and a Sigma Rising Star of Research and Scholarship showcasing her work "Autoimmune Encephalitis: The Psychological Impact of Brain Inflammation."

    Congratulations Ophelia!

  • Elizabeth McWilliams Miller Distinguished Lectures

    On March 21st, Dr. Cristopher A. Clarke joined us for a new Elizabeth McWilliams Miller Distinguished Lecture. 

  • Join us for a new Elizabeth McWilliams Miller Distinguished Lecture

    Elizabeth McWilliams Miller Distinguished Lecture Series 2024
  • February 1st - March 1st

  • Holiday Cheer distribution

    Traditionally, as part of our community service, we collaborate with an organization called Branches that helps children and families who are underserved. This year, we adopted an underserved family with six children who we would like to shower with some holiday cheer. The family is desperately in need of clothes.  Below is the link for various items for distribution. We'd like to have all donations to Branches by Tuesday, December 19th.  We greatly appreciate your generosity and kindness.  


    Thank you very much in advance.


    UM Beta Tau Chapter


    Here is the link for our annual Holiday Cheer distribution:


    Good morning !

    Today marks Give Miami Day, a unique 24-hour event where we come together as a community to make a difference. We have set an ambitious (but do-able) goal of raising $70,000 but with your contribution we know we can surpass this. With your help, we can ensure that babies  across South Florida are shielded from health risks and their families receive the support they desperately need.

    Miami Diaper Bank has reached 30% more babies in the last 10 months than in all of 2022, making this a true testament to the need for our services and resources. Through our expansion - first pop up distribution events and more recently our Mobile Diaper Pantry, we have been able to break down barriers to access and increase the overall health of our community. 

  • We continue celebrating APRN week!

    Now is the time to spotlight Rafael Martinez!

    This Nurse Practitioner Week, we are honoring Beta Tau's APRN students. The spotlight is now on Danielle Garcia!
  • Congratulations!

  • Back-To-School 2023

  • Honoring Our Honorable Nurse Members!

  • Happy Nurses Month! It's May!

Chapter Events